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July 2, 2017 Subject:
Thought provoking and eye-opening movie.
The movie was beautiful. It makes you alter your thinking in a different direction. It makes you see things from a different point of view and see the
whole picture.
Reviewer:Pot Poet
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January 26, 2017 (edited)
A quantum physicist explains it in everyday language
Fred Alan Wolf, a.k.a. "Captain Quantum" and "Dr. Quantum", co-author of "Space-Time and
Beyond" (1974), author of ""Taking the Quantum Leap: The New Physics for Nonscientists" (1981) ['American Book Award' winner] and "Eagle's Quest" (1991) consulted on, and appears, in this film. He was part of the "Fundamental Fysics Group" that generated so much research and discussion related to "Bell's Theorem", "quantum entanglement" and "quantum nonlocality". Their misguided attempts to discover "superluminal" methods of communication revealed "quantum linearity" limitations that became the basis of quantum security encoding and much, much more on the cutting edge of the physical sciences. This movie and Dr, Wolf are discussed in detail in the book by David Kaiser, "How the Hippies Saved Physics" (2011) on pages 245-247. Because of this significance alone I give this presentation my highest rating.